Crossword Tutors​

Personalised Crosswords by Our Expert Compilers
What do you get the man/woman who has everything? Are they into cryptic crosswords....?
Crossword Tutors offer a tailored cryptic crossword service - a unique and highly personal gift for Dad/Mum/brother Jim/aunt Kath.
And it doesn't have to be a standard size, format, or number of clues. We allow you to have as much or as little input as you would like - some people ask us to show them how to write good clues and then produce some or all of the crossword themselves. Others just want us to go away with their list of personal words and come back with a polished masterpiece. The price we charge reflects the hours we put in to making it awesome - as a general rule, more clues and more rigid structure means more technical wizardry and artistic flair required!
To ask us any questions, please go here
To order your personalised cryptic crossword, please go here